The script aims to introduce hash tag (####) into the file. It allows for some tools using gff3 to handle independantly file chucks separated by the #### signal. Can make them more efficient.

SYNOPSIS -i <input file> [-o <output file>] --help


  • --gff, --file or --input

    STRING: Input GTF/GFF file.

  • -i or --interval

    Integer: 1 or 2. 1 will add #### after each new sequence (column1 of the gff), while 2 will add the ### after each group of feature (gene). By default the value is 1.

  • -o or --output

    STRING: Output file. If no output file is specified, the output will be written to STDOUT. The result is in tabulate format.

  • --help or -h

    Display this helpful text.